Feb 27, 2017
Premium Access Membership to RPA is now available! For $3.99 a month you gain access to EXTRA content! Myths, Legends, Native American Legends, Fictional Paranormal Novels AND Folklore from around the world! Currently RPA is focusing on Folklore and Native American Legends. The selection will increase dramatically within the following months of this new year and will continue to increase on a WEEKLY basis.
The Premium Access Membership will support the show's monthly bills and allow us to grow while providing extra content for your hard earned money! All extra content is in AUDIO BOOK format. These are not shows. If you enjoy audio books and myths, legends, folklore, etc, etc. This may be for you then! Your contribution will support the show and you will receive entertainment in return. UNLIMITED listening for the month as well! $3.99...Trust the RPA Brand! Go to www.RealParanormalActivity.com and become a member today!
In this episode:
All this and more at Real Paranormal Activity - The Podcast
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